Saturday, 30 June 2007


Whilst visiting businesses in Bangor this week the Bangor Eye team came across a stray Hedgehog on the main High Street. How it got there is still a mystery, but thanks to the local RSPCA shop on the High Street it was collected and sent back into the wild. We would like to thank everyone at the shop who helped us.
Harvey's officially opened today at the top end of High Street, we hope the day went well and you all went there to see what the new premises looked like. We visited last week whilst building work was still being completed. A lot of money and effort has obviously gone into it and we wish the new owners all the best in their venture.
We also heard about the Fair Trade event that went on in Bangor today, but were unable to call round at the time to take photos, we later saw a news reel of it on TV, so if you are reading this on Saturday then check out the local news on telly tonight.
This leads me on to a plea of help from people proud to be Bangorites and want to be a part of this great website of ours. We are looking for people with a camera who can send us photos of events that go on in the city, this is extended to ANYONE especially if you are involved in the event yourself. Take some snaps and see it online on the same day!
If you have organised an event and want us to call round to cover it then give us a call on 01286 676166 and we will see if we can come over to give it some publicity.
Same goes to other items of interest. If you have ANYTHING you think merits a mention on the Bangor Eye website then get in touch NOW! my email is
The more people get involved the better, get some coverage for clubs and organisations online.
Do it NOW!
Catch yah again here sooooooon!

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Bangor Forum Photo

Just thought I'd upset you all by showing a little pic of some of the Bangor Forum members.

I hope you'll agree they are a good looking lot


Business Forum error

I got a little carried away with myself yesterday when I claimed there was a meeting planned for next week. Sorry about that I got my dates mixed up, which goes to show, no one's perfect (including me - no matter what my son says!!!)
Anyway no harm done, but if you do want to join this group and make a difference then I'm sure Douglas Madge and the rest will be pleased to welcome you on board.

The group meets bi monthly at the Mentec building by Sackville Road.

On another matter, we have just set up a brand new message board and already one or two of you have joined up (it's FREE) and had a little moan about this that and the other. Hopefully, we will be able to discuss problems and sort out the city (as it were) online. So if you haven't visit the message board yet, then do so soon and join in the fun. Tell all your friends about it too, whilst your at it and lets get the whole city chatting and telling it as it is.

Use it to post your sport clubs scores and reports. I know the football season is over at the moment and most of us guys are bored silly (Roll on August) but there are loads of other things going on in the meantime and the message board is a great way of telling everyone about it.
Obviously we can't allow commercial advertising on it, but we can promote activities which are for the community. So get in touch and tell the world.

That's all 4 now, catch yer all here soooooon!

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Businesses Online

I forgot to mention that already businesses in the area have come on board the new Bangor Eye website.

Check these out:

Many more will be joining us shortly having taken us up on building them their very own website.

If you haven't got a website for your business then contact us today and let us put you online with a three page website for only £100!!!

I would like to add that there is a brand new cafe/restaurant opening at the top end of High Street on Saturday. Drop by there for a fun day. The new premises is called Harvey's and the signs just went up this afternoon.

Finishing touches will be made tomorrow and Friday before the grand opening on Saturday.

Photos of today please?

I missed the Welsh Guards at Bangor today because of prior engagements. But I hope it all went well and to plan. If any of you were present and took photos that we can use on the Bangor website then could you please send them on to me at - Thanks.
You will of course be credited for them on the site, who knows it may get you noticed by someone who is looking for a photographer???

Well, the Bangor in Bloom Festival is progressing well, with many of the stalls already taken. I understand that there are more available and if you check out the Bangor Eye website, there is an application form and details available to download. The Festival will be held later this year and the organisers are looking at the business sector to help with any support they can give (however large or small). The former Mayor Councilor Douglas Madge is very keen to make this a big success and hopefully an annual event, with your help he can make it happen.

Bangor's Business Forum will be meeting again next week and if you would like to have an input into this organisation then please contact me through the website and I will put you in touch with the right people. The group is very forward thinking and looking towards working with different sectors in the city to secure a healthy business environment for all.

On Monday I met with North Wales' Chief Mr Richard Brunstrom. He was present at the Deiniol centre introducing the Bangor and Caernarfon Business against Crime new safe child scheme. Local school children were present and given a talk on what to do if they were separated from their parents. He met with Mr Ayrton Westwood the Deiniol centre manager and explained that this scheme was the first of its kind in North Wales. Mr Brunstrom also explained of the importance of websites like Caernarfon Online and Bangor Eye. He said he looked at the sites regularly and enjoyed them immensely.

Well that's all from me for now, I'll catch you all soon.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Welcome to the Bangor Blog

My name is Gareth Edwards and for some time now I have been running the popular website for Caernarfon -
I decided to run a similar website for Bangor as the city has been sadly missing a community based website for some time.
The Bangor Civic society have an excellent website that gives an historical insight into the city but I wanted to do something different, something that 'sells' the city to both locals and the world in general.
We are open to suggestions and from time to time, will add and remove items from the site. Some things will work and somethings will not, until we try things out, we we will never know and we will never have a successful formula until we try.
We are looking for Bangorites to come on board and help make this website the best thing since Bangor City FC. With your help we can achieve this!

If you are involved in a group or association in the area, we would like to encourage you to write a blog like this one and have your say. This invitation is open to all groups, such as the council, chamber of trade etc, etc. So come on give it a go, I will give you all the help you need to get started and hopefully, together we can make this website the envy o other towns and cities around the world.

I will be adding to my blog page on a regular basis, so check in here again soon to see what's been going on around here.

If you have a business in Bangor or the surrounding area, then you really need to get it on the website.
You can do this in two ways:

1. If you have a website you can advertise it on the Bangor Site OR you can have us take over the maintenance of it and update it regularly for you.
2. If you don't have a website then we can build you one quickly and cheaply, just call us on 01286 676166 and you will be amazed on how easy it is.

Well that's it from me for now, I'll catch you all real sooooooon!
