Thursday, 4 October 2007

Apologies for not updating

Hi Everyone,
I am very sorry I have not updated for a while, this was due to a family illness and prevented me being as active as normal with the website.


I was sent this email from the former Mayor Mr Douglas Madge this week and hope you will all agree that this is exciting news for the business sector of Bangor. Here is what he sen me.

The Bangor Business Forum is inviting all business whether large or small in Bangor to attend a meeting at the "Friends Meeting House" in Dean Street, Bangor at 5pm for a cuppa and the meeting starts at 6pm smart on Monday 22nd October 2007 .

Attending at this meeting will be Gwynedd County Council Officers to answer pre-arranged questions sent from the floor. These questions will have to be put in writing and sent to me at least a week before hand for the officials to digest before answering. Any questions not answered will be replied to by email or by letter through me. This is the first time that the Bangor Business Forum would have had officers from Gwynedd County Council to attend a meeting of this kind in Bangor, so it is very important for business people in Bangor to attend.
Mr. Dafydd Williams the principal Engineer (Traffic & Street Care) from the Planning and Transportation Services will answer any questions on traffic and parking.
Mr. Meirion Williams the Arfon Area Engineer from the Highways and Municipal Section will be available to answer issues relating to street cleaning.
Mr. Colin Morris the Head of Business Support will be representing the Economy and Regeneration Service.
Further to recent conversation between Mr. Dafydd Edwards, the Council's Head of Finance and councilor June Marshall it was agreed that Mr. Edwards. Mr Euryl Lloyd Jones the Council's Local Taxation Manager and an officer from the Valuation Office Agency in Bangor will attend the meeting to answer any queries regarding rates. It was also agreed that these officers would not be available until 7pm, therefore any issues concerning highways and economy/regeneration may be addressed at the start of the meeting.
Would you please treat the above as urgent so that business people in Bangor can read all about this event in good time.
Also there is to be a talk by the National Farmers' Retail and market Association in Neuadd Craflwyn, Beddgelert on Thursday the 25th October between 10.15 and 4pm on the day. I was interested in starting an open market in Bangor so if all goes well I shall attend at this meeting to further my knowledge on this subject. Steve Garrett from the Riverside at Cardiff and Gareth Jones from the above Association will be giving a talk each. It is run by Sustainable Gwynedd Gynnaladwy on 01766 543 033
End of email.

Now if you remember we covered the last meeting of the Forum here on Bangor Eye, with some video footage of some of the concerns raised. Following the meeting officers of the forum were concerned that the questions that the floor was asking could not be answered as there were no officers from Gwynedd Council present at the time. The group realised that action was needed to address this situation and contacted Gwynedd to see if they could supply officers from different departments to be present on an arranged evening so that business owners concerns could be answered.

I would like to therefore urge you all to attend on Monday 22nd October and contact either Douglas Madge or myself here at with your questions so that they can be forwarded and replied to on the night.

To do this please send me an email with yor name, business name, phone number and question to and I will forward them all to Douglas in time for the meeting.

It is a chance to ask questions to the right people and for once perhaps get some answers.

That's all for now, see you real sooooon!

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Thursday, 20 September 2007

Bangor Gives Welsh a good go!

Hi everyone,
I have just been sent an inteesting email from the good people at Bwrdd yr Iaith / Welsh Language Board. I have included both the Welsh and English versions of the e-mail (below) and hope you will all make a big effort to take part in 'Giving Welsh a Go'. Here is the message first in Welsh and then in English.

Bangor yn croesawu ‘Cymraeg yn Gyntaf’!

Ar ddydd Sadwrn 22 Medi bydd ymgyrch Cymraeg yn Gyntaf yn cael ei lansio mewn 19 ardal ar draws Cymru - a mae Bangor wedi cael ei dewis i fod yn ran o’r ymgyrch. Pwrpas yr ymgyrch yw i annog pobl yn yr ardaloedd hyn i ddefnyddio mwy o Gymraeg yn eu bywydau bob dydd.

Mae Bangor yn un o 19 ardal ar draws Cymru sy’n croesawu ymgyrch ‘Cymraeg yn Gyntaf’ sy’n targedu siaradwyr a dysgwyr Cymraeg er mwyn eu cael nhw i fentro defnyddio Cymraeg cyn Saesneg wrth ddechrau sgwrs.

Mae rhaglen llawn o ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau wedi eu trefnu o dan ofal Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg er mwyn hybu ac annog pobl i gymryd rhan yn yr ymgyrch – o sesiynau magu hyder yn y Gymraeg, a sut i wneud datganiadau dwyieithog ar yr uwch seinydd i staff Morrisons ar yr Hysbys, i gig yn y Glôb gyda’r band poblogaidd Gwibdaith Hen Fran. Mae rhywbeth wedi’u drefnu at ddant pawb!

Yn ôl Caren Wyn Roberts, Swyddog Datblygu Cynllun Gweithredu Iaith Bangor, mae'r ymgyrch yn gyfle gwych i bobl Bangor ddefnyddio eu Cymraeg gymaint a phosib - yn y gwaith, yn y gymuned leol ac wrth gymdeithasu.

"Mae’r ymgyrch yn gyfle i bobl weld a chlywed gymaint o Gymraeg sy’n yr ardal a gobeithio wedyn i godi eu hyder i ddechrau sgwrs yn Gymraeg yn y dyfodol. Mae rhaglen o weithgareddau wedi eu trefnu fydd yn apelio at bawb yn yr ardal. Uchafbwynt yr wythnos i ni fydd noson gymdeithasol i ddysgwyr Cymraeg yng nghwmni Ifor ap Glyn ym mar Theatr Gwynedd. Yn dilyn cydweithrediad rhwng Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg â chwmni trenau Arriva, bydd tocynnau trên am ddim i ddysgwyr Cymraeg o Benmaenmawr, Llanfairfechan a Chaergybi – fydd yn dod a’r dair ardal arall sy’n ran o’r ymgyrch eleni at ei gilydd ym Mangor. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen yn arw at hwnnw. Rwy’n hyderus bydd yr wythnos o brysurdeb yn hwb at gynnal digwyddiadau tebyg gydol y flwyddyn lle bydd y Gymraeg yn rhan amlwg ym mywyd yr ardal."

Bangor gives Welsh a good go!

On Saturday 22 September the Welsh – Give it a Go campaign will kick off in 19 areas across Wales - and Bangor has been chosen to take part. The purpose of the campaign is to encourage more people to use Welsh in their everyday lives.

Bangor is one of 19 areas in Wales that will welcome the week long 'Welsh –Give it a go!' campaign which targets Welsh speakers and learners to get them to use their Welsh before English when starting a conversation.

A full programme of events and activities have been organised by the Welsh Language Board in order to encourage people to take part in the campaign. There should be something to please everybody – from confidence building sessions for using Welsh at work and making bilingual announcements on the tannoy for staff at Morrisons, to a gig by popular Welsh band Gwibdaith Hen Fran at the Glôb in Upper Bangor.

According to Caren Wyn Roberts, Development Officer for the Bangor Language Action Plan, the campaign is a chance for the people of Bangor to use Welsh as much as possible - at work, socially and in the community.

"The campaign offers people the chance to actually see and hear how much Welsh there is in the area and hopefully have more confidence to start a conversation in Welsh in the future. A full programme of activities has been organised that will appeal to everybody. The highlight of the week for us being a social evening for Welsh learners at Theatr Gwynedd in the company of Ifor ap Glyn. Due to recent co-operation between the Welsh Language Board and Arriva Trains Wales, free train tickets will be available for learners from Llanfairfechan, Penmaenmawr and Holyhead – brining three other campaign areas together to Bangor. We’re all looking forward to that. I’m confident that the week’s energy and enthusiasm will trigger future events where Welsh will play an obvious part in our community life.”

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Bangor in Bloom a Great success!

Hi again,
I don't know if you personally got to the first ever Bangor in Bloom festival, but if you didn't then you missed a great day.
The organisers were a little apprehensive at first and didn't know how it would all pan out, but they needn't have worried as the weather was kind and the crowds flooded in all day long.
Demonstrations my the Appolo Majorettes went down a treat as did the Silver Band.

Mr Douglas Madge proved to be a very hard working Mayor during his term in office and this year year has not changed a thing. Along with his team of helpers including June Forsyth and Jeanne Molyneux (forgive me for not naming everyone) the event was well organised and well supported by the business community. All the photos and details can be found on their brand new website and plans are already on the way to repeat the event and make it an annual festival in the Bangor calendar.
The proceedings were opened by the Mayor Mr Derek Hainge and trophies were donated by different businesses.
It is estimated that a few thousand people visited the event throughout the day and enjoyed a crafts fair marquee to boot.
Bouncy castles, Syrcas Circus and all the fun of a traditional community festival was enjoyed by everyone and our congratulations and thanks goes to everyone involved in this fantastic day.

See you sooooon.

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Thursday, 6 September 2007

Bangor in Bloom this Saturday!

The City's first ever Bangor in Bloom Festival is going ahead on Saturday and with activities going on all day fro 10am onwards, you are well advised to give it a visit.

Competitions and fun are the order of the day and a lot of local businesses have helped make it possible. The event is on Beach Road and there will be plenty of parking, so take the whole family and help make this an annual event.

We have built them a website and it can be found on . We hope to bring you all the photos from the days event online this weekend.
Check back to see it and mark their website in your favourites.

See ya all soooon.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Last week' Bangor Forum Meeting

Hi Everyone,
Bangor Eye has now put parts of last week's meeting online in video form.
I would like to apologise in advance for the poor quality sound. This was mainly due to the acoustics being so bad in the room.
However if you turn up the volume on your PC, you should make sense of it all.

It was a very lively meeting with many of the attendees anxious to ask questions about different problems in the city. Unfortunately on this occasion the questions were directed at different issues in the area and it was promised, that the Forum as a mediator would try to arrange fro different officers from Gwynedd Council etc to be present on the next meeting, so that the questions could be directed to the right people. Check back to Bangor Eye soon, so that we can update you on the date and times of this proposed meeting.

In the meantime, I have been sent a report on the presentation given by Mr Dafydd Hughes of the Assembly by the Forum's Secretary Mrs June Marshall.

Here is the report in full.


Report on the inaugural meeting of the Bangor Business Forum held in the Penrhyn Hall, Bangor on 14th. August 2007 at 6pm.

The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Bangor Business Forum, Douglas Madge, who welcomed the audience and introduced the speaker, Mr Dafydd Hughes, Director of the Mon Menai scheme.

In the course of his presentation Mr Hughes presented a vision of Bangor as the leading urban area in the “Menai Hub”, an area described by the triangle formed by Bangor, Caernarfon and Llangefni. Investment in this region, it is hoped, will radiate lasting economic benefits across the region. At the heart of the plan is the development of indigenous high tech industries, high quality sustainable tourism and the potential of the transport corridor to Ireland.

There are to be better rail links to London and improvements to the A55 and the Britannia Bridge. There is to be investment in a new “Firespeed” fibre optic Internet connection. Plans are being developed for Hirael Bay, including the pier, and Bangor High Street will have a face lift. Work is ongoing to develop strategic sites such as Parc Menai and Bryn Cegin. A new South Anglesey industrial park is proposed.

The scheme is working closely with the University, Coleg Menai and Gwynedd and Anglesey Councils. Both the University and Coleg Menai have a strategic role in providing a highly trained work force to take advantage of the new opportunities.

The scheme proposes to support the marine industrial sector and attractions which will bring year round high spending tourists to the area. This includes improving the access for cruise ships on Anglesey.

The scheme would like to attract investment for a large hotel with conference facilities in Bangor but has been unable to persuade consultants that there is a business case for this.

Dafydd Hughes responded to questions and comments following the presentation.
Although the scheme was welcomed, there were some reservations expressed. When questioned, Mr Hughes was unable to indicate the level of investment which will come to Bangor. Nor could he give an assurance that local businesses would be given preferential access to tendering opportunities. Those present were concerned about the implications of the proposals and there is undoubtedly a need for more discussions and consultation if Bangor is to gain full benefit from this scheme.

June Marshall
Bangor Business Forum

21st. August 2007

That's all for now see you all here soooon!
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Friday, 10 August 2007


Hi everyone,

I have just received this newsletter from Jenny Blakemore of BACBAC.

I have cut an pasted the contents below:

PC Ian Ellis
PC 1314 is leaving his position of CBM for the High Street in Bangor

I am sure all the businesses in both Bangor and Caernarfon will join me in wishing PC Ellis farewell and good luck in his new role.
PC Ellis joined the Police Force in 1978 his postings have included CID (criminal Investigations Department) in Bangor, Coroners Officer, he has been stationed at Holyhead, Llangefni and Aberffraw before coming to Bangor as CBM in 2002

Without PC Ellis’s hard work and determination to make a difference to the High Street there would not be a post of Business Crime Reduction Co-ordinator therefore we would not be running a successful Radio Link and Exclusion Scheme.

He succeeded in getting the backing and support of the local Community Safety Facilitator Eira Huws , Chairman of Community Safety Group Ayrton Westwood and Action Against Business Crime Manager Steve Booth between them they successfully applied for funding from the Home Office for a post of Business Crime Co-ord.

He has been involved in many many initiatives in the effort to improve Bangor. And a great support to myself and all the businesses in both Bangor and Caernarfon.

Goodbye and
Good Luck
PC Ellis


Stock Loss Survey
On average BACBAC
Businesses on Bangor High Street take around £20 million a year. Indications show that there has been a significant improvement in stock loss results businesses have report to the co-ord that there has been a reduction of almost 50% in their shrinkage since BACBAC was inaugurated. Since the launch of the Exclusion Scheme and the introduction of the Radio link with CCTV businesses and their staff have been far more vigilant when it comes to internal and external theft.

We have been hearing on a regular basis from different sources that offenders from the Bangor and Caernarfon areas are been caught shop lifting further a field. We have heard stories from Holyhead, Llandudno, Rhyl and Pwllheli. These traveling offenders are people we have excluded from your businesses as part of the BACBAC Exclusion Scheme.
When Security staff in Llandudno asked one offender why she was shoplifting so far from home she replied “because I am BARRED from Bangor and Caernarfon, well I have to shoplift somewhere”
Other areas are now in the process of setting up similar schemes so we need to be aware that we may also get displacement from other areas especially coming up to the Christmas trading period.
As and when others schemes are set up I will be forming links so that we can all share information on prolific shoplifters that might travel to our areas.

PC1314 Ian Ellis:
“Although I am looking forward to the challenge of my new role back on CID. I will be sorry to leave Bangor where I have made many friends and have been so readily and warmly accepted by the community and in particular the businesses of Bangor.
When I look back at my police service one of the initiatives I am proudest of is the role I played in setting up BACBAC the businesses have enthusiastically and whole heartedly move it forward under the leadership of Jenny to the success it is today. Thank you very much for your support”
Ian PC1314

LL57 1NW

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Thursday, 9 August 2007

Bangor Business Forum Open Meeting

Hi everyone,
I received this open letter so that I could post it on the Bangor Blog. So here it is in it's entirety. I hope you will all be able to attend.

Over the next six years the Welsh Assembly Government and the European Union will be making a substantial investment in the economy of Bangor under the Mon Menai Scheme.

The Bangor Business Forum invites all businesses operating in Bangor to send a
senior representative to attend a special meeting where they can learn more about the scheme.

Dafydd Hughes, the Assembly officer leading the Mon Menai scheme will give a presentation on the investment proposals being explored and to listen to suggestion and ideas.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday 14th Aug st at 6.00pm in Penrhyn Hall, Ffordd Gwynedd, Bangor. To enable those attending to come straight from work there will be light refreshments available from 5pm, giving the business community a rare opportunity to network.

It would be helpful to the organisers of this event if you could indicate if you would like to attend, Please send an email to advising of your intention to attend, or if you are unable to attend if you you would like to receive an email with any information coming out of the meeting.

The Bangor Retail forum was formed in 2005 to consider initiatives required to improve the retail business environment. It has functioned as a useful liaison group bringing together business people trading in Bangor with officers from relevant Gwynedd Council departments, community leaders and the police.

Recently in response to the opportunities offered by the Mon Menai Scheme, the Forum has changed its name to the Bangor Business Forum with the intention of becoming a constituted membership organisation. The Forum will be sending out a newsletter and inviting applications for membership in due course.

For further information contact June Marshall (secretary) on 01248 370 955 or email

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Monday, 6 August 2007

Penrhyn Castle

Hi Everyone,
Well - the summer holidays are in full swing and most of us are knocking our heads against walls about how to keep the kids happy.

Today I took my little boy to Penrhyn Castle. I hadn't been there since a child myself and remember my own father taking us on a 'rainy' weekend in the 1960's or perhaps 70's. Ok, Ok, I know I'm showing my age but there you go.
I didn't really remember all that about it. I remember this posh wall paper hung on the walls which were protected by perspex and that's about it.

So imagine my disappointment when upon arrival toady I was faced with a bill of £12 just to get in!!!
Nevertheless pay up we did and expecting to get ripped off by a boring day out.
How wrong could I be? The castle itself is beautifully preserved by the National Trust and a credit to everyone involved. And of course you had to pay extra for the guide books etc so we opted not to spend too much, the boy is only 8 yrs old and a lot of the history would no doubt go over his head.
Helpful Guides
What he wanted to know was answered by the guides who were in every room.
Fantastic furniture, fine crystals, preserved cornice's and coving's and exquisite cornices on the ceilings, and of course the wall paper as I remembered it - in all it's glory. Not to mention an original Rembrandt hanging in one of the last rooms we visited!!!
Doll and Rail Museum
A museum of dolls and a railway museum to boot was all we could possibly ask for in a great day out. To cap it all we watched some brave visitors abseiling down one of the towers.
We didn't do the walks outside (even though it was a beautiful day) but we had a little look round the grounds which were cut trimmed and were in an excellent condition.

If you are stuck for somewhere to take the kids this summer, then you don't need to look much further than Penrhyn Castle. (and I can assure you they have not paid for this piece).
As you can imagine, my little boy wanted to know if it was haunted (it certainly looked as if it was) and even though the guides were under instructions not to scare us with tales. we were told that often visitors had felt a sad presence in one of the corridors. We pushed some more for the story, but I'll let you find out yourself what the story was.

See you Sooon!

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Sunday, 5 August 2007

Hi Banorites,
I have just received a letter from our good friends at Bangor City Football Club. It is regarding their up and coming LEGEND GAME which will take place on August 26th. Instead of me blabbing on about it, read it yourselves below and if you are interested then please contact them through their details at the bottom of the letter.

Dear All,

A drive along Holyhead Road in Bangor means two things to a Bangor City FC fan. One, the long awaited start of the development and new stadium of Nantporth and two, the countdown until the final game of football to be played at Farrar Road. For many of us that last game at Farrar Rd will be an emotional time due to the history and atmosphere of the place itself. A walk around the ground on match days, the stands and terraces full of familiar faces, all with a tale to tell of times gone by.

I hear the names of the legends which are thrown in to conversation, JACKSON, CONDE, MCGOWEN, TELFORD, BROADHEAD to name a few, to reminisce and ponder upon, conversations in which people smile and enjoy the good times they had.

The enjoyment of football at Farrar Road plays a part in many peoples’ lives in Bangor. The countdown has begun….with a new season soon to begin the Bangor City Football Club Supporters Association have organised a long awaited and much talked about legends game. The event, Bangor City Legends vs. Everton Legends is to take place at Farrar Rd on August 26th 2007, 2.30pm Kick off. With a number of players from the 80s, 90s and 2000s it will be a pleasure to welcome them back to Farrar Rd.

This is also an appeal to any Bangor ex-players who we haven’t been able to contact, because as you can appreciate it is totally impossible to contact you all, If you are still playing and would like to take part in the match please get in touch. Or, if you have hung up your boots many years ago and would still like to meet up with your ex team mates please come along. A warm welcome awaits both supporters and players. We look forward to seeing you for this once in a lifetime experience.

Contact names and numbers :-

CHAIRMAN MIKE ISHMAEL (ISH) 07810433812 or 01248352699



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Sunday, 29 July 2007

Simpsons Movie

Yesteday I went with the family to see the new Simpsons move and I must say it's is well worth a viewing if you need a few laughs! Here's my attempt at an Avitar on the Simposons movie website.

This is me 'Gart' walking down the High Street!


Feanol Tickets up for Grabs with Bangor Eye

Hi everyone,

BangorEye is buzzing with the line up of this years Faenol Event. We have been covering this event for the last four years through our sister website and this year promises to be a cracker.

Read all about it on and enter our completely free to enter competition for tickets to EVERY night! No need to even pay for a stamp.

We have 2 x seated ticket for the Girls Aloud, Shane Ward amd Jamelia concert and 2 tickets each for the Opera Night, The Hills are Alive Night and the Welsh Tân y Ddraig Night.

Girls Aloud open the proceedings and we hope to bring you some great photos of the girls on stage. Can't think of a better subject to take photos of!!!!!

If you have and accommodations business in the area, then you should really join the others advertising with us on our websites and not lose out.
Enter our free competition Here
See you back here sooooon!

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Bangor University Memorial Arch Raising funds

Can you help the good people at Bangor University raise funds to restore the Memorial Arch at Bangor?

We have taken the text below with permission from the University website. If you feel you can help then phone them, email them or even throw money at them, but do something and do it right now to preserve the city's history.

Please read on.......

We shall not forget the heroes of North Wales who fell in the Great War.
Bangor University, in partnership with community organisations, is raising funds for the conservation of the North Wales Heroes’ Memorial Arch. Within this unique building are oak panels inscribed with the names of over 8,500 soldiers, sailors, and airmen who fell in the First World War, arranged by parish within county.
The building of the Memorial Arch, which opened in 1923, was made possible by generous support from the community. Today, we are again asking individuals and organisations from North Wales and beyond to support the Memorial Arch, ensuring that it is preserved for generations to come.
To make a gift or request further information, please contact the Development Office.
Development Office University of Wales Bangor Athrolys Bangor Gwynedd
Tel: 01248 382594 Fax: 01248 383268Email:

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Bangor City Supporters Association

Hi everyone,
I received a very pleasant and informative email today from the Bangor City Supporters Association and I think it is an excellent idea that we include details of this on the website.

Ideally we would like to include a match reports on the teams progress throughout the season and invite members and supporters to take photos and send them to us with a match report perhaps? If you are interested in being our very own Bangor City match reporter, then please contact us here at BangorEye and we will arrange it for you. The next event on their calendar is on Sunday August 26th Bangor City Legends against Everton Legends! Are there any offers to cover this event for us? If so get in touch with us now!

The group also have their own well made website ( , but we would like to include as much as we can on the BangorEye website as well.

The same offer applies to any other organisation of this sort as well. So get in touch with us today and support the city, support what's going on in the city and through it all support BangorEye -Keeping an Eye on Bangor!

Here is the email we received. UP THE BLUES!

Dear Editor

I would be grateful if you would include our Association on Bangor Eye and in future consider including the events organised by the association on your events page of the site.

Bangor City Supporters' Association is a body independent of Bangor City Football Club, but with a real voice in running the Club. The Supporters' Association Chair is automatically a member of the Board of the Football Club and there is now a regular exchange of views and news between Supporters' Association members and the directors of the Club. The Supporters' Association has also received shares from the Club in recognition of the increasing support that it has been able to provide.

Funds raised by the Supporters' Association have already contributed towards the signing-on fees of important first-team players, assisting with the financial commitments of the club as agreed by members and have also purchased training equipment for the Club's Youth Academy.
Formed in 2004, the Association holds social and fundraising events, such as Sportsman's Dinners, Casino Nights, Annual 7-a-side Tournament, Veterans' Cup, Annual Duck Race, BBQs, Matchday Raffle, Big Prize Raffles, SA merchandise and many other events aimed at getting supporters together, raising funds for all sections of the Club - and having a good time!

The Association has held a number of successful Sportsmen’s Dinners with guests from national radio and television and most recently the guest speaker was John Toshack, Manager of the Wales football team.

The Association recently held another successful Soccer Sevens tournament for adult, Under 9 and Under 11 teams that attracted entries from across North Wales and Cheshire. As with our other events this was enabled through our links with local businesses such as Bangor and Caernarfon Business Against Crime, the Deiniol Centre, McDonalds and Patrick’s Bar.
Future events planned include a match played between Bangor City Legends and Everton FC Legends to be played on Sunday August 26th and will see the return to Bangor of players who have represented the city over recent decades.
The match will be played at Farrar Road in what will be the last season at the ground after over eighty years. We are currently collecting information, photos and stories about the ground and people’s memories and it may well be that this would be of interest to readers of your History Page.

Later in the year it is planned to hold a Santa Run through the city and we have held successful talks with local council officials, North Wales Police and other interested parties. Our primary interest is in supporting and promoting our football club but in doing this we are mindful of the importance of recognising and promoting in a positive way the city, its people and businesses.

We wish you well with the website and promoting the positive benefits of living in Bangor.

Peter Hibbs On behalf of Bangor City FC Supporters’ Association

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Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Sad Loss

Mrs Mary Hainge R.I.P.

It's with deep regret that we let you know about the sad loss of the city's Mayoress Mrs Mary Hainge.
There's not much I can say as I only met with Mary once at the University during Prince Charles' visit.
Obviously my deepest sympathy goes to the Mayor Mr Derek Hainge and his family.

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Traffic Problems

Hi Guys,

I was travelling from Bangor on Tuesday evening at around 8.15 and made the mistake of turning right at the Penrhosgarnedd mini roundabout (instead of going straight on).

I saw a queue ahead and thought I'd play a crafty one by taking a little detour. I realised my error immediately as I drove onto a non moving queue leading up to the expressway roundabout.
There I stood for around ten minutes hardly moving an inch and cars queued behind me, preventing me from turning round.

Talking to yourself is bad enough, but swearing to yourself is worse, but this is what I ended up doing. The tailbacks on the roundabout led in all directions and I eventually arrived home none the wiser what the problem was.

It seemed that I was not the only one annoyed, because upon checking my emails the following day this was in my inbox.

Names etc have been changed to protect the sender. It seemed that the same thing happened on Monday too.


Dear Gareth,

Has anybody whinged about the expressway being closed on Monday night and the huge volume of traffic bound for Anglesey, mainly massive HGVs, being diverted over the Menai Bridge?

Was notice of the closure (roadworks?) mentioned PROMINENTLY anywhere?

I came back from Manchester (as you know) late Sunday night and I do not remember any warning signs for Monday night.

I went into Bangor at 10.00pm on Monday night (to drop off my friend Sandra) and did not get back home until 11.54pm - nearly 2 hours for (at that time of night) a 20 minute round trip.

There were HUNDREDS of HGVs stuck in the jam (who presumably were making for the Holyhead ferries) and I must admit that, when I finally came to the Menai Bridge, I left a big gap between my car and the lorries in front, in case the bridge sagged in the middle with their weight.

It cannot be good for a bridge (built in the days of horse and cart) to be carrying so many HGVs at any one time.

I bet that later on, there were quite a few HGV drivers (who had not given himself/herself an adequate safety margin to reach the ferry port) who ended up with increased heart-rate and blood pressure levels!

Sandra's daughter and her husband, who live in Gaerwen, were also caught up in it until 11.00pm and could not phone their baby-sitter (mother-in-law) who was worried sick about them.

Furthermore, mum-in-law starts work early in the morning so she did not get her usual quantity of beauty sleep!

There's always something to moan about, eh?



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Monday, 2 July 2007

Bangor Post Office new branch

I don't know if you are all aware of the Bangor Post Office setting up at the W.H. Smith store in Bangor.
I have included the full details below so you can read at your leisure.
The move is planned for January of next year which is less than six months away.
I have included the conact details so that you can ask questions at the end of this particular Blog. So here it is in full:

Bangor Post Office

Full details of what will be provided at the new branch are detailed within this letter. Also available, within the branch, is a leaflet providing the answers to frequently asked questions about why Post Office Ltd franchises branches.
What will the new Bangor Post Office® branch offer?
• Extended opening hours as follows;
Mon-Sat 09.00-17.30
• The same wide range of main Post Office services currently available at Bangor
Post Office branch including: personal banking; financial services; car tax renewal; Post Office card account; passport application checking and foreign currency services, but excluding the stamp vending machines.
• Four serving positions, comprising of three open plan and one traditional style position designated primarily to Bureau de Change/Giro business banking that has the flexibility to be utilised for all other Post Office transactions, during busy periods.
• WHSmith is keen to ensure there is continued good access to Post Office services. There are two entrances into the store, both with double doors. One is level and the other has a step. The Post Office counter area will be carefully integrated into the current store, providing adequate room for Post Office and retail customers alike.
• Low level writing desk and serving counter, plus an induction hearing loop for those customers with hearing difficulties.
• There are two public pay & display car parks within 160 yards of the WHSmith store. Deiniol Shopping Centre car park is the nearest with disabled car parking spaces.
• Public transport services are available to and from the surrounding residential areas.
• The new branch will be integrated into the existing WHSmith store, providing customers the opportunity to purchase an extensive range of newspapers, magazines, stationery, books and entertainment products under one roof.

Planned month of transfer: January 2008

Please note: 20th June 2007 is the closing date by which all feedback is to be received.

Contact details are as follows;
Philippa Wright (Mrs)
National Consultation Manager
Post Office Ltd, c/o National Consultation Team
PO Box 2060, WATFORD, WD18 8ZW
Customer Helpline: 08457 22 33 44 Email via the website:
The Post Office® is able to supply customers with this information, free of charge, in an alternative format for people who are visually impaired. To obtain a copy,
call the Post Office® helpline on 08457 22 33 44 or textphone 08457 22 33 55.

Sunday, 1 July 2007

Shrek the Third

Shrek the Third?

If ever there was a call for Bangor to invest heavily in a new multiplex cinema then Shrek the Third is testimony to that.

I took my son to the Multiplex in Llandudno Junction see this third offering be Mike Myres and the gang and we had to actually book the next show as half an hour before our planned show was sold out! It turned out that our re planned show was sold out as well and the one after that!!!

The movie was released on Friday and had been previewed to previous weekend and had 19 showings throughout Sunday but still the crowds flocked in.

Bangor recently lost its Cinema due to lack of use, yet it seems that people are still interested in Multi screen showings.

Whether Bangor gets one in the city centre or at Llandygai one thing is for sure - it will be well received by the public, lets just hope the prices will be cheaper than what we paid at Junction!

Saturday, 30 June 2007


Whilst visiting businesses in Bangor this week the Bangor Eye team came across a stray Hedgehog on the main High Street. How it got there is still a mystery, but thanks to the local RSPCA shop on the High Street it was collected and sent back into the wild. We would like to thank everyone at the shop who helped us.
Harvey's officially opened today at the top end of High Street, we hope the day went well and you all went there to see what the new premises looked like. We visited last week whilst building work was still being completed. A lot of money and effort has obviously gone into it and we wish the new owners all the best in their venture.
We also heard about the Fair Trade event that went on in Bangor today, but were unable to call round at the time to take photos, we later saw a news reel of it on TV, so if you are reading this on Saturday then check out the local news on telly tonight.
This leads me on to a plea of help from people proud to be Bangorites and want to be a part of this great website of ours. We are looking for people with a camera who can send us photos of events that go on in the city, this is extended to ANYONE especially if you are involved in the event yourself. Take some snaps and see it online on the same day!
If you have organised an event and want us to call round to cover it then give us a call on 01286 676166 and we will see if we can come over to give it some publicity.
Same goes to other items of interest. If you have ANYTHING you think merits a mention on the Bangor Eye website then get in touch NOW! my email is
The more people get involved the better, get some coverage for clubs and organisations online.
Do it NOW!
Catch yah again here sooooooon!

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Bangor Forum Photo

Just thought I'd upset you all by showing a little pic of some of the Bangor Forum members.

I hope you'll agree they are a good looking lot


Business Forum error

I got a little carried away with myself yesterday when I claimed there was a meeting planned for next week. Sorry about that I got my dates mixed up, which goes to show, no one's perfect (including me - no matter what my son says!!!)
Anyway no harm done, but if you do want to join this group and make a difference then I'm sure Douglas Madge and the rest will be pleased to welcome you on board.

The group meets bi monthly at the Mentec building by Sackville Road.

On another matter, we have just set up a brand new message board and already one or two of you have joined up (it's FREE) and had a little moan about this that and the other. Hopefully, we will be able to discuss problems and sort out the city (as it were) online. So if you haven't visit the message board yet, then do so soon and join in the fun. Tell all your friends about it too, whilst your at it and lets get the whole city chatting and telling it as it is.

Use it to post your sport clubs scores and reports. I know the football season is over at the moment and most of us guys are bored silly (Roll on August) but there are loads of other things going on in the meantime and the message board is a great way of telling everyone about it.
Obviously we can't allow commercial advertising on it, but we can promote activities which are for the community. So get in touch and tell the world.

That's all 4 now, catch yer all here soooooon!

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Businesses Online

I forgot to mention that already businesses in the area have come on board the new Bangor Eye website.

Check these out:

Many more will be joining us shortly having taken us up on building them their very own website.

If you haven't got a website for your business then contact us today and let us put you online with a three page website for only £100!!!

I would like to add that there is a brand new cafe/restaurant opening at the top end of High Street on Saturday. Drop by there for a fun day. The new premises is called Harvey's and the signs just went up this afternoon.

Finishing touches will be made tomorrow and Friday before the grand opening on Saturday.

Photos of today please?

I missed the Welsh Guards at Bangor today because of prior engagements. But I hope it all went well and to plan. If any of you were present and took photos that we can use on the Bangor website then could you please send them on to me at - Thanks.
You will of course be credited for them on the site, who knows it may get you noticed by someone who is looking for a photographer???

Well, the Bangor in Bloom Festival is progressing well, with many of the stalls already taken. I understand that there are more available and if you check out the Bangor Eye website, there is an application form and details available to download. The Festival will be held later this year and the organisers are looking at the business sector to help with any support they can give (however large or small). The former Mayor Councilor Douglas Madge is very keen to make this a big success and hopefully an annual event, with your help he can make it happen.

Bangor's Business Forum will be meeting again next week and if you would like to have an input into this organisation then please contact me through the website and I will put you in touch with the right people. The group is very forward thinking and looking towards working with different sectors in the city to secure a healthy business environment for all.

On Monday I met with North Wales' Chief Mr Richard Brunstrom. He was present at the Deiniol centre introducing the Bangor and Caernarfon Business against Crime new safe child scheme. Local school children were present and given a talk on what to do if they were separated from their parents. He met with Mr Ayrton Westwood the Deiniol centre manager and explained that this scheme was the first of its kind in North Wales. Mr Brunstrom also explained of the importance of websites like Caernarfon Online and Bangor Eye. He said he looked at the sites regularly and enjoyed them immensely.

Well that's all from me for now, I'll catch you all soon.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Welcome to the Bangor Blog

My name is Gareth Edwards and for some time now I have been running the popular website for Caernarfon -
I decided to run a similar website for Bangor as the city has been sadly missing a community based website for some time.
The Bangor Civic society have an excellent website that gives an historical insight into the city but I wanted to do something different, something that 'sells' the city to both locals and the world in general.
We are open to suggestions and from time to time, will add and remove items from the site. Some things will work and somethings will not, until we try things out, we we will never know and we will never have a successful formula until we try.
We are looking for Bangorites to come on board and help make this website the best thing since Bangor City FC. With your help we can achieve this!

If you are involved in a group or association in the area, we would like to encourage you to write a blog like this one and have your say. This invitation is open to all groups, such as the council, chamber of trade etc, etc. So come on give it a go, I will give you all the help you need to get started and hopefully, together we can make this website the envy o other towns and cities around the world.

I will be adding to my blog page on a regular basis, so check in here again soon to see what's been going on around here.

If you have a business in Bangor or the surrounding area, then you really need to get it on the website.
You can do this in two ways:

1. If you have a website you can advertise it on the Bangor Site OR you can have us take over the maintenance of it and update it regularly for you.
2. If you don't have a website then we can build you one quickly and cheaply, just call us on 01286 676166 and you will be amazed on how easy it is.

Well that's it from me for now, I'll catch you all real sooooooon!
